Case Study 0902: Optimization of Cost

The present situation of global financial slowdown has added a tremendous pressure on the industry. Die casting fraternity, which was already in a considerable pres­sure to reduce costs due to high input costs viz., energy, raw materials, consumables, environment, etc., find the going very difficult to handle. It is high time to optimize the cost.

This case study is a simple example of minimizing the runners and overflows of a die casting shot design of an alternator bracket casting, thereby reducing the cost. Fig­ure 2a shows the shot design before optimization. Figure 2b shows the optimized shot design after numerous itera­tions. The key aspects of this design can be appreciated by the following:

  • Proper filling
  • Minimum surface defects
  • Optimum flow characteristics
  • First time OK parts
  • Significant cost savings
  • Change of feeding to reduce the length of flow
  • Three overflows of different sizes depending on the amount of potential defects
  • Elimination of centre overflow altogether due to nil potential defects predicted near it

Figure 2 - a) Shot design before optimization;

Figure 2 - b) shot design after optimization;

Figure 2 - c) optimized shot design.

Analysis of Results

The flow simulation of the optimized design has predicted significantly very low potential defects, as shown in Figure 2c.

Key Benefits

  • Projected area reduced by 46%
  • Shot weight reduced by 26%
  • Downsizing of machine from 250T to 150T

Figure 3 - Top, solidification result of a bowl indicating poten­tial shrinkage porosity; bottom, solidification result of a head indicating potential shrinkage porosity.

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